We provide ongoing support to ensure your fertility policy is being embodied in your culture, and not another 'on paper' policy. We provide support and education to individuals, teams and leadership committees.
Fertility Policy Integration
We deliver Fertility and Leadership Coaching Programmes to reconcile the exposure and most importantly support the women in business that are trying to conceive while growing in her career.
Active Coaching
We feedback the findings, and highlight blind spots and risk factors. Based on the findings, we provide a tailored strategy to support with enhancing fertility awareness and support at work.
Fertility Blueprint
We compile the data, analyse the findings and compare it with your company’s values system and wellness philosophy.
Culture Insights
Through a discovery process, we gather qualitative data on employee attitudes and beliefs on fertility & motherhood at work, contributing towards your company culture and sense of psychological safety at work.
We start by calculating your company’s fertility flight risk exposure in monetary terms, so you can understand how this problem is currently hitting your bottom line and identify your unique business case.